November 2007

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In this article, I describe the Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding the one-source shortest paths in a graph, give an informal proof and provide the source code in C for a simple implementation.

To understand this you should know what a graph is, and how to store one in memory. If in doubt check this and this.

Another solution to this problem is Dijkstra’s algorithm.

The Problem

Given the following graph, calculate the length of the shortest path from node 1 to node 2.

It’s obvious that there’s a direct route of length 6, but take a look at path: 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2. The length of the path is 7 – 3 – 2 = 2, which is less than 6. BTW, you don’t need negative edge weights to get such a situation, but they do clarify the problem.

This also suggests a property of shortest path algorithms: to find the shortest path form x to y, you need to know, beforehand, the shortest paths to y‘s neighbours. For this, you need to know the paths to y‘s neighbours’ neighbours… In the end, you must calculate the shortest path to the connected component of the graph in which x and y are found.

That said, you usually calculate the shortest path to all nodes and then pick the ones you’re intrested in.

The Algorithm

The Bellman-Ford algorithm is one of the classic solutions to this problem. It calculates the shortest path to all nodes in the graph from a single source.

The basic idea is simple:
Start by considering that the shortest path to all nodes, less the source, is infinity. Mark the length of the path to the source as 0:

Take every edge and try to relax it:

Relaxing an edge means checking to see if the path to the node the edge is pointing to can’t be shortened, and if so, doing it. In the above graph, by checking the edge 1 -> 2 of length 6, you find that the length of the shortest path to node 1 plus the length of the edge 1 -> 2 is less then infinity. So, you replace infinity in node 2 with 6. The same can be said for edge 1 -> 4 of length 7. It’s also worth noting that, practically, you can’t relax the edges whose start has the shortest path of length infinity to it.

Now, you apply the previous step n – 1 times, where n is the number of nodes in the graph. In this example, you have to apply it 4 times (that’s 3 more times).


That’s it, here’s the algorithm in a condensed form:

void bellman_ford(int s) {
        int i, j;

        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                d[i] = INFINITY;

        d[s] = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
                for (j = 0; j < e; ++j)
                        if (d[edges[j].u] + edges[j].w < d[edges[j].v])
                                d[edges[j].v] = d[edges[j].u] + edges[j].w;

Here, d[i] is the shortest path to node i, e is the number of edges and edges[i] is the i-th edge.

It may not be obvious why this works, but take a look at what is certain after each step. After the first step, any path made up of at most 2 nodes will be optimal. After the step 2, any path made up of at most 3 nodes will be optimal… After the (n – 1)-th step, any path made up of at most n nodes will be optimal.

The Programme

The following programme just puts the bellman_ford function into context. It runs in O(VE) time, so for the example graph it will do something on the lines of 5 * 9 = 45 relaxations. Keep in mind that this algorithm works quite well on graphs with few edges, but is very slow for dense graphs (graphs with almost n2 edges). For graphs with lots of edges, you’re better off with Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Here’s the source code in C (bellmanford.c):

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
	int u, v, w;
} Edge;

int n; /* the number of nodes */
int e; /* the number of edges */
Edge edges[1024]; /* large enough for n <= 2^5=32 */
int d[32]; /* d[i] is the minimum distance from node s to node i */

#define INFINITY 10000

void printDist() {
	int i;


	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		printf("to %d\t", i + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		printf("%d\t", d[i]);


void bellman_ford(int s) {
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		d[i] = INFINITY;

	d[s] = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < e; ++j)
			if (d[edges[j].u] + edges[j].w < d[edges[j].v])
				d[edges[j].v] = d[edges[j].u] + edges[j].w;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int i, j;
	int w;

	FILE *fin = fopen("dist.txt", "r");
	fscanf(fin, "%d", &n);
	e = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
			fscanf(fin, "%d", &w);
			if (w != 0) {
				edges[e].u = i;
				edges[e].v = j;
				edges[e].w = w;

	/* printDist(); */



	return 0;

And here’s the input file used in the example (dist.txt):

0  6  0  7  0
0  0  5  8 -4
0 -2  0  0  0
0  0 -3  9  0
2  0  7  0  0

That’s an adjacency matrix.

That’s it. Have fun. Always open to comments.

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The 0-1 Knapsack Problem (AKA The Discrete Knapsack Problem) is a famous problem solvable by dynamic-programming. In this article, I describe the problem, the most common algorithm used to solve it and then provide a sample implementation in C.

If you’ve never heard of the Knapsack Problems before, it will help to read this previous post.

The Problem

The Discrete (0-1) Knapsack Problem usually sounds like this:

Little Red Riding Hood wants to bring grandma a basket of goodies. She has an unlimited supply of n types of sweets each weighting c[i] and having the nutritional value of v[i]. Her basket can hold at most W kilograms of sweets.

Given n, c, v and W, figure out which sweets and how many to take so that the nutritional value in maximal.

So, for this input:

n = 3
c = {8, 6, 4}
v = {16, 10, 7}
W = 10

LRRH should take one of 3 and one of 2, amassing 17 nutritional points.

You’re usually dealling with a knapsack problem when you’re give the cost and the benefits of certain objects and asked to obtain the maximum benefit so that the sum of the costs is smaller than a given value. You have got the Discrete Knapsack Problem when you can only take the whole object or none at all and you have an unlimited supply of objects.

The Algorithm

This is a dynamic-programming algorithm.

The idea is to first calculate the maximum benefit for weight x and only after that to calculate the maximum benefit for x+1. So, on the whole, you first calculate the maximum benefit for 1, then for 2, then for 3, …, then for W-1 and, finally, for W. I store the maximum benefits in an array named a.

Start with a[0] = 0. Then for every a between 1 … W use the formula:
a[i] = max{vj + a(i − cj) | cj ≤ i }

The basic idea is that to reach weight x, you have to add an object of weight w to a previous maximum benefit. More specifically, you have to add w to x – w. Now, there will probably be several ways to reach weight x, so you have to choose the one that maximises the benefit. That’s what the max is for.

Basically, the formula says: “To calculate the benefit of weight x, take every object (value: v; weight: w) and see if the benefit for x – w plus v is greater than the current benefit for x. If so, change it.”

So, for the example, the programme would output (and do) this:

Weight 0; Benefit: 0; Can't reach this exact weight.
Weight 1; Benefit: 0; Can't reach this exact weight.
Weight 2; Benefit: 0; Can't reach this exact weight.
Weight 3; Benefit: 0; Can't reach this exact weight.
Weight 4; Benefit: 7; To reach this weight I added object 3 (7$ 4Kg) to weight 0.
Weight 5; Benefit: 7; To reach this weight I added object 3 (7$ 4Kg) to weight 1.
Weight 6; Benefit: 10; To reach this weight I added object 2 (10$ 6Kg) to weight 0.
Weight 7; Benefit: 10; To reach this weight I added object 2 (10$ 6Kg) to weight 1.
Weight 8; Benefit: 16; To reach this weight I added object 1 (16$ 8Kg) to weight 0.
Weight 9; Benefit: 16; To reach this weight I added object 1 (16$ 8Kg) to weight 1.
Weight 10; Benefit: 17; To reach this weight I added object 2 (10$ 6Kg) to weight 4.

The Programme

This programme runs in pseudo-plynominal time O(n * W). i.e. Slow as hell for large very values of W. Also because it holds to arrays of at least length W, it’s also horribly memory inefficient. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do.

Here’s the code in C (knapsack10.c):

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXWEIGHT 100

int n = 3; /* The number of objects */
int c[10] = {8, 6, 4}; /* c[i] is the *COST* of the ith object; i.e. what
				YOU PAY to take the object */
int v[10] = {16, 10, 7}; /* v[i] is the *VALUE* of the ith object; i.e.
				what YOU GET for taking the object */
int W = 10; /* The maximum weight you can take */ 

void fill_sack() {
	int a[MAXWEIGHT]; /* a[i] holds the maximum value that can be obtained
				using at most i weight */
	int last_added[MAXWEIGHT]; /* I use this to calculate which object were
					added */
	int i, j;
	int aux;

	for (i = 0; i <= W; ++i) {
		a[i] = 0;
		last_added[i] = -1;

	a[0] = 0;
	for (i = 1; i <= W; ++i)
		for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			if ((c[j] <= i) && (a[i] < a[i - c[j]] + v[j])) {
				a[i] = a[i - c[j]] + v[j];
				last_added[i] = j;

	for (i = 0; i <= W; ++i)
		if (last_added[i] != -1)
			printf("Weight %d; Benefit: %d; To reach this weight I added object %d (%d$ %dKg) to weight %d.\n", i, a[i], last_added[i] + 1, v[last_added[i]], c[last_added[i]], i - c[last_added[i]]);
			printf("Weight %d; Benefit: 0; Can't reach this exact weight.\n", i);


	aux = W;
	while ((aux > 0) && (last_added[aux] != -1)) {
		printf("Added object %d (%d$ %dKg). Space left: %d\n", last_added[aux] + 1, v[last_added[aux]], c[last_added[aux]], aux - c[last_added[aux]]);
		aux -= c[last_added[aux]];

	printf("Total value added: %d$\n", a[W]);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	return 0;

That’s it. Good luck. Always open to comments.

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